Search Box WebPart Configuration Options
Query Templates
Query template recommended links
This parameter is used to tell the search as you type how to query for recommended links. In order to do so, configure a query which limits the search results to exactly those from the recommended links lists which was created in the setup of the site.
A query template can be
'path:"https://<yourtenant><site>/Lists/<BestBet List>"'
If you leave this template blank, the search box will show all matching search results.
Query template collaboration
This query template is used to filter the project space suggestions. You can either leave this empty or narrow down the project spaces.
Query template people
This query is used to limit people results. As the SharePoint people search might bring up also technical equipment or rooms, you unfortunately have to limit these search results. A reasonable query can be something like
'{searchTerms} AND NOT title:room AND NOT title:projector'
Enable SAYT
If this is turned on, the search as you type is enabled for this search box. It automatically shows recommended links, collaboration rooms and people as recommendations while users are typing. Also it automatically shows the most recent documents of a user through the Graph APIs.
Use dynamic data source as default input
Please enable this to allow for using URL get parameters. Otherwise, all get parameters, in particular from other pages, will be ignored and the search always starts from an empty state. This in particular means that queries from the intranet will be ignored though the search result page opens.
(!) In order to configure the following parameters, you need to first open the page by adding the following get parameter:
Connect to source
Here you can choose where the query parameter should come from. The only supported choice is "Page environment".
Page environment’s properties
Here you can choose from various page environment values. The default choice for enterprise search is "Query string".
Query string’s properties
Here you can choose whether the search center should read a part from the URL or a get parameter, i.e., "Query parameters". This is the default choice.