Search Result List WebPart Configuration Options

Here we will document the most important configuration options.

Options for SharePoint content sources

  1. Query template. The query template is used to limit the search results returned for a query. This accepts KQL as an input language.

  2. Result Source ID. Here you can choose any available SharePoint result source as an input

  3. Selected Properties. Here you can select the properties which are used by the rendering engine later. Normally, this value is not changed.

  4. Refinement filters can be used to filter the search results besides the KQL input query

Options for Microsoft Search content sources

  1. Entity types to search. Here you can choose from the default sources for Microsoft Search. If you are interested in showing Graph Connector results, please choose External Items

  2. Selectable Fields. Here you need to manually add specific fields, if these should be mapped and shown. By default, there is no need to change these fields for Raytion connectors. If you need to add more fields, you need to

    1. clear the text box,

    2. hit return

    3. type in the exact fieldname

    4. Afterwards, this new field name shows up in the list. Please note there are no further checks and this might cause issues.

  3. Content sources. Here you can add the connection ids for Graph connectors which this result list should query for. Please note that also here, entering a new result source must start from an empty field. Any autocomplete causes issues and only the exact connection id must be entered, followed by a return. The result then looks like
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    If you see a checkbox which reads e.g. "Confluence2, Jira2" you will likely receive no search results but an error in the browser console.

Paging options

Here you can choose the number of search results per page and how many pages are shown in the paging navigation below the search result list. If turned off, the entered number of items is shown. So if you want to turn off paging, such as for a result block, then first adjust the number of search results and then turn paging off.

"Hide this web part if there’s nothing to show" If this is turned on, then the user won’t see a message such as "there are no matching results" but the space is empty.

Collapse similar search results using the Collapse Specification property

Here you can include managed properties which will be used to collapse results. This means that results will be deduplicated based on same values in a given managed property, such as a GUID, author or a date. The matching is for exact values and only the most relevant search result will then be shown in the search result list.

For example, a common use case is the implementation of a news overview page. In this case, you might want to the deduplicated multilingual SharePoint pages and only show one language version. This can be based on the page GUID, if this property is correctly assigned during the publication workflow. Please talk to your intranet team if such a common property is available or reach out to Raytion’s intranet experts at Contact.

You can either specify one or multitple properties in the field named "Collapse Specification". If you want to enter multiple fields, then you can do so as a comma separated list.
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This is the standard CollapseSpecification property available from SharePoint: Collapse similar search results using the Collapse Specification property

Please note that in many cases, you first need to create a managed property for the metadata, you like to collapse. For more information on the search schema, please refer to Manage your search schema.