Microsoft Search Configuration
Microsoft Search Configuration
Configure Azure App
Register App
Go to Microsoft Azure Portal and navigate to App registrations
Register a new app with the option New registration
Type the name and select the option Accounts in this organizational directory only
and submit the registration with register
Omit the Redirect URI
for your app.
Create Client Secret
Add Client Secret under Certificates & secrets → Client secrets
Submit your new client secret with the option New client secret
Create Certificate
If you prefer to authenticate with a certificate instead of a secret, first receive a certificate.
For example, create a self-signed certificate keystore using the Java keytool with the following command adapted to your needs:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -dname
"CN=servername,CN=company,CN=com,O=Company,L=City,C=XY" -validity 7305 -alias
selfsignedFQDNcert -ext san=dns:servername -keypass changeit -keystore
mykeystore.jks -storepass changeit
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool" -genkey -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -dname
"CN=servername,CN=company,CN=com,O=Company,L=City,C=XY" -validity 7305 -alias
selfsignedFQDNcert -ext san=dns:servername -keypass changeit -keystore
mykeystore.jks -storepass changeit
Export the public certificate to upload in the Azure portal:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -export -alias selfsignedFQDNcert -keystore
mykeystore.jks -rfc -file publickey.cert
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool" -export -alias selfsignedFQDNcert -keystore
mykeystore.jks -rfc -file publickey.cert
You may extract the private certificate to use it instead of the keystore:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore mykeystore.jks
-destkeystore keystore_export.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias
selfsignedFQDNcert -deststorepass changeit -destkeypass changeit
"%JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool" -importkeystore -srckeystore mykeystore.jks
-destkeystore keystore_export.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias
selfsignedFQDNcert -deststorepass changeit -destkeypass changeit
Define API Permissions
The connector requires access to the Microsoft Search External Connection/Item API for synchronizing external content items and to Users/Groups API for synchronizing principal information.
To assign the required permission to your app, navigate to API permissions
inside your app menu.
With the option Add a permission
, you can assign new permissions to your app.
Register all permissions as Microsoft Graph API Application permission.
Ensure you grant the connector Application Permissions, not Delegated Permissions. It will not work with delegated permissions. |
Add External Connection/Item Permissions
To access the Microsoft Search API, following permissions are required by the app:
Add Users and Groups Permissions
To access user and group information for your tenant, the app requires following permissions:
Make sure to grant admin consent for all permissions. |
Configure External Connection
The item metadata that the connector sends to Microsoft Search is defined by a schema, this schema is generated within Microsoft Search and defines the fields used by Microsoft Search. Therefore, the schema must be generated before a connector can run a traversal to ingest documents. This section describes the steps required to create a default schema within Microsoft Search, the request to generate the schema can be modified as required prior to creating the schema. There are 3 steps to setup Microsoft Search prior to using the connector to ingest documents:
Authenticate against Microsoft Search
Create a Connection ID within Microsoft Search
Generate a schema within the Connection ID
These steps are performed via the Microsoft Search API, the following guide provides a Postman Workspace for calling the Microsoft Search API endpoints:
The Connection ID can only contain ASCII alphanumeric characters, and must be between 3 and 32 characters long. e.g. 2ecbffec1da74fab8057b4530d3c442a.
Create new Connection
Authentication:Access Token
Body Request
"name": "Raytion Microsoft Search Connector for Filesystem 1.0",
"description": "Raytion Microsoft Search Connector for Filesystem 1.0",
"id": "2ecbffec1da74fab8057b4530d3c442a"
Create default Schema
Authentication:Access Token
Body Request:
"baseType": "microsoft.graph.externalItem",
"properties": [
"name": "author",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"labels": [
"name": "breadcrumbs",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "breadcrumbUrls",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "clickUrl",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"labels": [
"name": "contributors",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isSearchable": "true",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "contributorsRefiner",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"isRefinable": "true",
"labels": [
"name": "createdDate",
"type": "dateTime",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"labels": [
"isRefinable": "true"
"name": "fileExtension",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"labels": [
"name": "fileName",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "true",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"labels": [
"name": "fileType",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"isRefinable": "true"
"name": "iconUrl",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "false",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "itemType",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "itemTypeRefiner",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"isRefinable": "true"
"name": "keywords",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "true",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "keywordsRefiner",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"isRefinable": "true"
"name": "labels",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isSearchable": "true",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "labelsRefiner",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"isRefinable": "true"
"name": "languages",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"isRefinable": "true"
"name": "lastModifiedDate",
"type": "dateTime",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"labels": [
"isRefinable": "true"
"name": "mimeType",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "parentItemUrl",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "parentItemTitle",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "true",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "previewUrl",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "rootItemTitle",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "true",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "rootItemTitleRefiner",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"isRefinable": "true"
"name": "rootItemUrl",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "sourceItemType",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "sourceName",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "sourceUrl",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "sourceNameRefiner",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"isRefinable": "true"
"name": "spaceCategories",
"type": "stringCollection",
"isSearchable": "false",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true"
"name": "title",
"type": "string",
"isSearchable": "true",
"isQueryable": "true",
"isRetrievable": "true",
"labels": [