Google Drive
Quick Start
Enable APIs
For the connector to work, certain APIs in the Google Cloud have to be enabled. To do so, execute the following steps:
Login to the Google Cloud Console with your admin account
Select your project and click on Library

Search for Drive and click on the result Google Drive API

Click on ENABLE

Enable Admin SDK API by executing steps 3 and 4 for Admin SDK
Create Service Account
For the connector to authenticate with Google Drive a Google Cloud Service Account is needed. To create an account, the following steps have to be executed:
Open the menu of the Google Cloud Console and select IAM & Admin → Service accounts


Enter a name and click CREATE AND CONTINUE

Skip the optional settings and click DONE
Create and download Service Account Key File
The connector needs a JSON file with the private key of the service account for authentication. This service account file can be generated and downloaded by executing the following steps:
Open the service account details by clicking on the account

Open the KEYS tab and click on ADD KEY → Create new key

Create the service account file by clicking on CREATE and store it under a suitable location

Set up Domain-wide Delegation
Domain-wide delegation has to be activated for a service account. To do so execute the following steps:
Make note of the OAuth 2 Client ID of the service account
Login to Google Admin with your admin account and navigate to the API controls and click on MANAGE DOMAIN WIDE DELEGATION

Click on Add new

Enter the service account’s OAuth 2 Client ID in the field Client ID and the scopes