Connector Quick Start

Start Connector

Unpack the distribution and run the start script located in the installation bin directory.





Login to Connector

Once the Connector has started, navigate to the Admin UI and login with the default username and password, admin/admin:

Configure Connector

Follow the description and instruction in the Basic Configuration Menu to configure the mandatory settings.

Confluence Configuration

config basic confluence

Microsoft Search Configuration

Configure the ID of your connection created in step Microsoft Search Quick Start - Configure External Connection.
ms search connection
Configure the Client ID, Secret and Tenant ID which can be retrieved from the app created in step Microsoft Search Quick Start - Configure Azure App.
ms search oauth2

Upload License

  • Contact Raytion and obtain a license for your connector

  • Login to the Admin UI

  • Select License in the menu:

uploadlicense 1
  • Upload the license file by browsing for the file or simply dragging a dropping the license onto the license page

  • The Status of the license will be displayed as valid, and the expiration and item quota will also be displayed:

uploadlicense 2

Synchronizing Content Information

Once, the connector is configured and license uploaded, you can start synchronize content information using the traversal feature in the dashboard.

Content Traversal

In order to synchronize items from source system, the Connector provides different types of execution:

  • Ramp-Up: All items from source system are processed to the search engine. This includes also previously synchronized unchanged items. Note, that Ramp-Up will not delete deprecated items.

  • Incremental: All items are from source system are compared against the state in the connector from previous synchronization runs. Only changed items (this includes newly added, modified and moved items) will be processed to Microsoft Search. This type can be used to reduce the load on the search engine. Incremental Runs will also synchronize delete information by deleting all removed items from the search engine index.

  • Change Processing: Automatic detection of events in the source system polled and synchronized by the Connector. In case of Atlassian Confluence, following changes can be retrieved and processed automatically by the Connector via Change Processing:

    • Adds

    • Move

    • Delete

Principal Synchronization

Principal Synchronization processes Principal Information from Source System into Search Engine. The connector applies early binding of Access Control List for our content items. Hence, the items processed by Content Synchronization is protected by Access Control reflecting the equivalent Security Policy defined in the Source System. Security Information required by Search Engine to resolve the early bound items during search will be provided by Principal Synchronization. In case of Principal Synchronization, there is only a single execution type:

  • Ramp-Up: All principal information from source system is processed to Microsoft Search. This includes also information about deleted principal (deleted groups or deleted group membership relation).

Schedule Traversal

Scheduled traversals can also be configured through the menu.

From this button a Schedule can be configured.
schedule button
From upper right corner you can choose the traversal type and then click on NEW SCHEDULED TRAVERSAL.
schedule type
Configure the frequency that the Traversal will be executed and click Save.
schedule frequency